关于新冠病毒 阴谋论者最不想要你知道的那些事

  原标题:真相放大镜 | 关于新型冠状病毒,阴谋论者最不想要你知道的那些事







  This Washington Times article falsely claimed that the virus might have broken out from a laboratory in Wuhan, quoting a former Israeli military intelligence officer。 Later in the piece, the same interviewee notes: “There isn’t evidence or indication for such incident。”

  The Daily Star in the UK ran a similar story before backtracking on the claims。

  The facility in question is the Wuhan national level-four biosafety lab, where scientists handle some pretty serious viruses, like Ebola, Nipah and coronavirus。 Yes! Coronavirus! 

  That‘s the whole reason why China ordered it built in the first place — after the 2003 SARS outbreak, which was caused by another member of the coronavirus family。

  France helped design the space, set up biosafety standards and train the personnel。 




  This theory refers to virologist Xiangguo Qiu and her husband biologist Keding Cheng who were dismissed last year from the National Microbiology Laboratory, according to Canadian media。

  The lab deals with deadly diseases and Qiu herself is a celebrated scientist who helped develop a treatment for Ebola。

  It‘s not totally clear why the couple was removed, but the Public Health Agency said at the time it was an “administrative matter。” The Canadian health minister office went one step further amid swirling speculations and assured that there is “absolutely no risk to the Canadian public。”

  Canadian authorities rushed to quash the fresh allegations, with the Public Health Agency spokesperson telling FactCheck.org, which works with Facebook to expose fake information on social media, that talks of a Chinese “spy team” have “no factual basis。”




  Some online users have been circulating links to patents for genetic materials of a coronavirus。 They say these documents are undeniable evidence that there‘s nothing new about the new coronavirus and that a vaccine is already at hand。

  Science begs to differ。 The viruses in question are different coronavirus strains than the newly discovered one。

  This one is a patent for the genetic sequence of the virus that caused SARS in 2003。 The U.S。 CDC did the sequencing and sought ownership as a way to prevent others from controlling the technology。 

  This one is for an avian infectious bronchitis virus, which scientists at a UK institute have tinkered with to weaken and use as a vaccine for chickens。



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